With CNAT’s commitment to a continuous process of improvements at the plant subsystems, Kinemetrics, Inc. was awarded two contracts to upgrade the existing Condor System Central Controllers, as well as incorporating changes requested by Spain’s nuclear oversight agency, Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear (CSN).

We brought together the architect’s vision, the structural engineers’ imaginative problem solving, the universities’ pride in ownership, and the inevitable budget sensitive circumstances to achieve a truly unique and beneficial structural monitoring system.

Kinemetrics supplies high-resolution digitizers and engineering services to achieve the monitoring mission. That includes transmitting data in an authorized and untampered matter.

With Duke Energy’s continued efforts of upgrading obsolete plant systems, in 2019, Kinemetrics, Inc. was awarded a contract to replace the original Kinemetrics’ SMA-3 Seismic Monitoring System in service at HNP since 1987!