Webinar Schedule

Earth’s Rock ‘n’ Roll – Measuring Rotational Motions in Seismology

Featuring Professor Heiner Igel 

We all know that seismology is a science based on measuring ground motions using seismometers. This measures three components of translational motions. But is that all the ground does? No, there are other motion components.

In this session, special guest speaker Professor Heiner Igel will discuss new developments in seismic instrumentation – in particular rotation sensing – with applications ranging from earthquake physics, ocean bottom seismology, seismic tomography, volcanology, earthquake engineering to planetary seismology. The key to these new applications is optical technology making use of laser light and relativistic effects getting hold of the wavefield gradient related information.

This informative webinar + Q&A is a must see, focusing on concepts and results from innovative pilot projects.


NORSAR Bear Island Array Deployment

Featuring Jon Magnus Christensen

In this session, special guest speaker Jon Magnus Christensen will provide a detailed overview of the NORSAR Bear Island Array Deployment.

Through the EPOS Norway project NORSAR has installed a 6 element seismic array on Bear Island, a small island between mainland Norway and Spitsbergen. The goal of the installation was to improve seismic monitoring of the Svalbard region, mid-Atlantic ridges and Barents Sea. Due to strict environmental restrictions the original plans had to be revised several times and a complementary array in Hornsund on Spitsbergen with a similar configuration is planned.

This informative webinar + Q&A will focus on the deployment at Bear Island, preliminary results as well as the plans for the Hornsund installation.


Microzonation for Earthquake Scenarios

Featuring Dr. Atilla Ansal, Kinemetrics, Inc.

Seismic microzonation is a methodology for estimating the response of soil layers under earthquake excitations and relative variations of earthquake ground motion characteristics on the ground surface for a selected area.

In this session, special guest speaker Dr. Atilla Ansal will walk us through the use of this methodology to provide input for urban planning for the assessment of the vulnerability of the building stock and earthquake preparedness. Microzonation requires realistic estimation of regional seismicity, local earthquake hazard, and detailed information of local soil conditions. It is probabilistic evaluation for all possible future earthquake in assessing the probability of building damage.


Expert Panel: The Kinemetrics Information Series On-Demand Library

Featuring Dr. Derek Skolnik, Kinemetrics, Inc.

In this special session, our panel of experts will review the knowledge base of 28 on-demand webinars created in 2020 Kinemetrics Information Series.

Dr. Derek Skolnik will host Dr. Mathias Franke, Dr. Lani Oncescu, and Mauricio Ciudad-Real in a discussion of topics across four categories: Products, Seismology, Earthquake Engineering, and Business Continuity.

This informative webinar + Q&A will provide a synopsis for each category, discuss what we learned, and provide information on how best to utilize these resources in your own projects.


Operation of the Mission Critical Italian Strong-Motion Network – RAN

Featuring Dr. Mathias Franke, Kinemetrics, Inc.

The Italian Civil Protection Department (DPC) is the owner of the 500-station national Italian strong-motion network (Rete Accelerometrica Naczionale – RAN). In a move to improve the network’s station availability, DPC outsourced the network’s maintenance and operation in 2012 to Kinemetrics’ Open Systems & Services Division (OSS).

In this session, Dr. Mathias Franke will cover the RAN from station design to information products, from daily tasks to network performance, and from people to software.

This informative webinar + Q&A will provide an example of how OSS develops solutions, manages projects, and continually delivers value to clients.


Ground-Motion Recording Networks in Groningen, the Netherlands, and Development of a Ground-Motion Model for Induced Earthquakes

Featuring Professor Julian J. Bommer

In this session, Professor Julian J. Bommer will describe the development of a ground-motion model as an integral component of a seismic risk model for induced earthquakes in the Groningen gas field in the Netherlands.

This informative webinar + Q&A places particular focus on the installation, characterization and operation of ground-motion recording networks in the field, including some unexpected challenges encountered along the way.


An Introduction to the Antelope Environmental Monitoring Platform

Featuring Dr. Frank Vernon

How do the world’s largest seismic networks manage data acquisition and processing? They use Antelope!

In this session, Dr. Frank Vernon will provide an overview of the entire Antelope platform, including the background of Antelope, principles and innovations the platform brings us to today, and potential directions for the future. This presentation will discuss real world examples from a variety of seismic networks and experiments.

The Antelope Environmental Monitoring Platform delivers data acquisition, analysis, and management via a comprehensive set of real-time environmental monitoring data and processed information.

This informative webinar + Q&A will help operators, researchers and engineers understand the opportunities provided by the Antelope platform.


The ARGONET (Greece) Seismic Observatory: An Accelerometric Vertical Array

Featuring Dr. Nikolaos Theodoulidis & Dr. Fabrice Hollender 

The ARGOstoli NETwork (ARGONET) consists of a vertical seismic array and a nearby free-field station located in Cephalonia, western Greece, in the vicinity of the Cephalonia Transform Fault Zone (CTFZ) which is characterized by some of the highest seismic activity levels in Europe.

In this session, special guest speakers Dr. Nikolaos Theodoulidis & Dr. Fabrice Hollender will walk us through this amazing project, describing the infrastructure and the scientific results it has enabled. The speakers will also present tests carried out to demonstrate the efficiency of the innovative ‘glass bead’ coupling solution, as well as a procedure followed to estimate the sensors’ orientation by using signals from distant large magnitude earthquakes.

ARGONET is intended to investigate the effects of local surface geology on the incoming seismic wavefield, with emphasis on strong ground motion. The vertical array is composed of accelerometer sensors placed on the ground surface at 5.6, 15.5, 40.1, and 83.4m depths.

ARGONET started operation in July 2015, and as of 30 April 2017, had generated high-quality recordings of nearly 1,000 local and regional earthquakes. The event dataset and metadata are openly available.

ARGONET data have already enabled several scientific studies, including the spectacular demonstration of variations in shear wave propagation velocity and site response as a function of rainfall; as well as the qualification of a method based on the use of seismic coda for the estimation of the site effects and of the earthquake source time function.

This informative webinar + Q&A is a must-see for researchers, operators, and engineers.


Kinemetrics Open Systems & Services Division: Who We Are – What We Do – Where We Operate

Featuring Dr. Mathias Franke, Kinemetrics, Inc.

What is OSS, and how does this group within Kinemetrics deliver critical systems and services worldwide?

In this session, Dr. Mathias Franke will answer this question and more. He will discuss the history, capabilities, and approach of this service-driven organization. He will provide a real-world a synopsis of OSS, focusing on past and current projects.

This informative webinar + Q&A will provide a detailed understanding of how OSS develops solutions, manages projects, and continually delivers value to clients.