Webinar Schedule

What’s New in Antelope 5.12

Featuring Dr. Kent Lindquist, Boulder Real Time Technologies (BRTT)

The Antelope Environmental Monitoring Software sets the standard for data acquisition, analysis, and management software. Designed to provide a comprehensive set of real-time environmental monitoring data and processed information, Antelope is leveraged by the 10 largest seismic networks in the world (outside of Japan) to ensure the highest level of data return and robustness.

In this presentation and live Q&A, Dr. Kent Lindquist will discuss the new challenges addressed and important advances in the recently released version 5.12 of the Antelope Environmental Monitoring System.


Non-Invasive Subsurface Site Characterization for Seismic Ground Response Analyses

Featuring Dr. Brady Cox, Utah State University

The importance of accurately predicting site effects for engineering infrastructure projects in seismically active regions cannot be overstated.

Numerical earthquake wave propagation simulations, known as ground response analyses (GRAs), are commonly performed in an attempt to estimate the site-specific, frequency-dependent amplification of seismic waves (i.e., site effects) as they travel from a reference bedrock condition up through soil layers to the ground surface.

One-, two-, and three-dimensional (1D, 2D, and 3D) GRAs have been developed. However, recent studies have revealed that recorded ground motions at more than 50% of borehole array sites are modeled using 1D GRAs. While 3D GRAs are theoretically plausible, they remain largely inaccessible due to a lack of adequate and affordable site characterization methods that can be used to develop 3D subsurface shear wave velocity (Vs) models down to depths required for ground response studies.

In this presentation, Dr. Brady Cox will detail several seismic site characterization methods usable in developing subsurface models for use in 1D, 2D and 3D GRAs. Dr. Cox will discuss methods such as horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios (HVSR or H/V) of ambient noise, multi-channel analysis of surface waves and microtremor array measurement.

Additionally, a new geostatistical approach that can be used for building large pseudo-3D Vs models as a means to rationally account for spatial variability in GRAs will be presented. Each of these methods will be discussed from the perspective of case history applications, including comparisons between recorded and GRA-predicted ground motions at several borehole array sites.


A 10-Year Review of the Operation of the Mission Critical Italian Strong-Motion Network – RAN

Featuring Dr. Mathias Franke, Kinemetrics, Inc.

The Italian Civil Protection Department (DPC) is the owner of the 500-station national Italian strong-motion network (Rete Accelerometrica Naczionale – RAN). Since 2012, DPC has outsourced the network maintenance and operation to Kinemetrics’ Open Systems & Services Division (OSS).

In this session, Dr. Mathias Franke will review the RAN performance from inception in 2012 to recent events spanning nearly ten years. The webinar highlights the dynamics of such a large network requesting constant improvements and the need for scalability. He will place additional focus on how the knowledge gained from the RAN is fed back into Kinemetrics’ Aspen Solution, e.g., software, hardware, and system design.


A New Way Of Maximum Magnitude Estimate for Induced Seismicity – Chaos

A New Way Of Maximum Magnitude Estimate for Induced Seismicity – Chaos

Traffic Light Systems (TLS) for induced seismicity by underground injections traditionally rely on magnitude thresholds. The choice of these thresholds is debated and found inappropriate, with most recent 2020 fashion proposing very low thresholds based on empirical observations.

In this session, Dr. Leo Eisner will demonstrate that these observations can be explained as order of statistics and show how this theory can be used for TLS.


The Effect of Confinement Due to COVID-19 on Seismic Noise in Mexico

Featuring Dr. Xyoli Pérez-Campos

In this session, special guest speaker Dr. Xyoli Pérez-Campos will discuss effects on seismic noise related to COVID-19 lockdowns in Mexico.

Mexican seismic stations witnessed a reduction in noise level as a result of the lockdown strategies to contain COVID-19. The largest drop was observed in Hermosillo, also the city with the fastest noise level recovery, and a quick increase in confirmed COVID-19 cases. Since June 1, 2020, a traffic-light system modulates the re-opening of economic activities for each state, which is reflected in noise levels. Noise reduction has allowed the identification and perception of smaller earthquakes.

This informative webinar + Q&A is a must-see for anyone interested in how other factors can impact seismic observation.


Review of Recent Applications of Ambient Noise Surface Wave Tomography (ANSWT)

Featuring Dan Hollis

Ambient seismic noise surface wave tomography for subsurface imaging and monitoring was developed in the early 2000s. Application of the method started with crustal studies and has evolved over the past several years to several applications: seismic hazard assessment, mineral exploration and development, Oil/Gas/Energy exploration and development, geotechnical assessment, and geothermal exploration and development.

In this session, special guest speaker, Dan Hollis will present a review of the ANSWT method and review several imaging and monitoring projects performed over the past couple of years.

This informative webinar + Q&A is a must-see!


Traceview – The Antelope Waveform Analysis Program

Featuring Trilby Cox

In this session, special guest speaker Trilby Cox will provide an overview of the latest Antelope waveform analysis program, Traceview. Beginning with a brief history of Antelope waveform analysis programs, Trilby will provide an introduction to Traceview with context around development of the new program, and demonstrate the capabilities currently available for use.

This informative webinar + Q&A is a must see for Antelope users, researchers, and professionals interested in cutting-edge analysis tools.


Surface Wave Methods for Seismic Site Characterization

Featuring Dr. Sebastiano Foti 

Surface wave methods gained in the past decades a primary role in many seismic projects. Specifically, they are often used to retrieve a 1D shear wave velocity model or to estimate the VS,30 at sites of strong motion networks. The complexity of the interpretation process and the variety of possible approaches to surface wave analysis make it very hard to set a fixed standard to assure quality and reliability of the results.

In this session, special guest speaker Dr. Sebastiano Foti will introduce us to surface wave analysis and summarize the InterPACIFIC (Intercomparison of Methods for Site Parameter and Velocity Profile Characterization) guidelines published in 2018 and will provide some application examples.


Bridging Technology and Policy: The Case of Earthquake Early Warning Systems in the 2030 Agenda

Featuring Dr. Jair Torres

Bridging Technology and Policy: The Case of Earthquake Early Warning Systems in the 2030 Agenda

Earthquake and Multi-Hazards Early Warning Systems (EWS) ) disseminates timely information about the eminent impact of hazards to the public, emergency responders, and managers in the public and private sector, providing time to implement emergency measures, including some automatically.

In this session, special guest speaker Dr. Jair Torres will discuss how recent international agreements such as the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) 2015–2030, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Paris Agreement, and the New Urban Agenda, have all recognized the importance of EWS in moving the development agenda forward.

This informative webinar + Q&A will focus on the challenges and opportunities of turning current technologies on Earthquake EWS into practice and policy.