Big Data: A New Research Frontier in Earthquake Engineering
Featuring Dr. Ertugrul Taciroglu
Recent advances in performance-based earthquake engineering and existing information technologies provide opportunities to develop extremely granular inventories of the built environment and assess its vulnerabilities to earthquakes as well as other hazards.
In this session, special guest speaker Dr. Ertugrul Taciroglu will focus the discussion on bridges — which are arguably the most critical elements of a transportation network — and delineate the ingredients needed to bring a regional seismic assessment tool to fruition.
These ingredients range from site-specific ground motion estimation to automated development of analysis models for bridges using data harvested from publicly available repositories, to damage and economic loss assessment. After identifying the ingredients, Dr. Taciroglu will articulate an overall framework for regional risk assessment of transportation networks.
Our guest speaker also provides an example to demonstrate the viability of the envisioned approach, and discusses its natural extensions to other areas including structural performance monitoring and rapid post-event assessment.