Webinar Schedule

Combining Seismology, Structural Engineering and Behavioral Science
to Enable Better Earthquake Emergency Response

Featuring Dr. Derek Skolnik & Brandon Parrott, Kinemetrics, Inc.

Earthquakes present unique challenges to impacted regions, organizations, and individuals, and catastrophic consequences can result from improper decision-making during these emergency events.

As such, earthquake response systems must be optimized through a combination of science and technology that provides a foundation to deliver the information and tools required by a multitude of stakeholders before, during, and after the event.

If the system serves the engineering community but does not meet the needs of the public or emergency responders, its value can be called into question. Earthquake response systems serve multiple stakeholders and must address the needs of each in a manner consistent with their expectations – detailed technical information for scientists and engineers, actionable information for emergency responders, and safety instructions for the general public.

Maximizing the effect of these systems also requires that they be integrated into the everyday systems and processes of those who rely on them.

In this session, Dr. Derek Skolnik and Brandon Parrott from Kinemetrics will discuss how leading organizations use the OasisPlus Earthquake Response Platform to ensure quick, safe, and effective emergency response. The presentation will center on real-world examples, and describe how best to meet the needs of the various groups – the public, technical professionals, emergency responders, and decision makers – affected by a given earthquake.

This informative webinar + Q&A will provide a new insight into how to maximize situational awareness and ensure effective earthquake response.

We look forward to seeing you there!


May 8 @ 9AM (Pacific)

Earthquake Early Warning Meets Actionable Information

Featuring Brandon Parrott, Kinemetrics, Inc.

What happens when you merge Earthquake Early Warning with all the information and tools you need to respond once the shaking hits?

You gain precious moments of warning to prepare for building motion, and the situational awareness you need to perform effective, responsible emergency response. This ultimately results in confidence, speed, and the best possible outcome.

OasisPlus is a Complete Earthquake Business Continuity Platform designed to provide the tools and information you need before, during, and after an earthquake to minimize impact and ensure an effective emergency response.

In this session, Brandon Parrott will introduce brand new functionality designed to bring earthquake early warning capabilities to the OasisPlus Platform. This new functionality extends your situational awareness prior to the building shake, and puts you in the best position to make better-informed decisions.

Join us for this informative webinar and Q&A session, and take advantage of the opportunity to see the merging of earthquake early warning with actionable building information.

We look forward to seeing you there!

October 11 @ 9AM (Pacific)


Extending the California Strong Motion Instrumentation Program

Featuring Dr. Derek Skolnik, Kinemetrics, Inc.

The California Strong Motion Instrumentation Program (CSMIP) in the Department of Conservation’s California Geological Survey was established in 1972 to obtain vital earthquake data for the engineering and scientific communities through a statewide network of strong motion instruments.

The information gathered by CSMIP is processed and disseminated to seismologists, engineers, building officials, local governments and emergency response personnel throughout the state. The data has been used primarily to develop recommended changes to seismic provisions of building codes, and to assist local governments in their general plan process.

In this informative webinar and Q&A, Dr. Derek Skolnik will provide an overview of the history and importance of the CSMIP program. Dr. Skolnik will also discuss opportunities provided by new technology designed to leverage existing seismic instrumentation to deliver real-time information to emergency response professionals.

We look forward to seeing you there!


August 2 @ 9AM (Pacific)

Earthquake Resilience in Hospitals: OasisPlus Case Studies 

Featuring Dr. Derek Skolnik, Kinemetrics

When an earthquake strikes, the focus of concern quickly turns to critical infrastructure and services. Chief among these is access to healthcare facilities and the services they provide. It’s imperative that these regional hubs remain in operation as the community’s need for hospitals increases during and after a seismic event.

In this informative webinar + Q&A, Dr. Derek Skolnik will review how two hospitals in areas with high seismic activity have implemented the use of real-time earthquake response systems and procedures. He will outline how these organizations have built resilience into each aspect of their respective implementations to ensure access to critical decision-making information before, during, and after an event. Suggestions on how similar critical organizations can learn from these implementations will also be provided.

May 25 @ 9AM (Pacific)


Expert Panel: The Kinemetrics Information Series On-Demand Library

Expert Panel: The Kinemetrics Information Series On-Demand Library

In this special session, our panel of experts will review the knowledge base of 28 on-demand webinars created in 2020 Kinemetrics Information Series.

Dr. Derek Skolnik will host Dr. Mathias Franke, Dr. Lani Oncescu, and Mauricio Ciudad-Real in a discussion of topics across four categories: Products, Seismology, Earthquake Engineering, and Business Continuity.

This informative webinar + Q&A will provide a synopsis for each category, discuss what we learned, and provide information on how best to utilize these resources in your own projects.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Time: February 10, 2021 9:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

A Deeper Look: SAFE Reports

KMI Information Series Webinar + Q&A!!!

Join us to learn more about AutoPro and SAFE Reports!

In this session, Dr. Derek Skolnik will provide a deeper look into these revolutionary tools. In direct response to your feedback, we will take a detailed tour of how AutoPro works and discuss the different types of automatically generated reports such as SMA, SAFE, CAMPUS, BOSI, and MAINT Reports. Time permitting, we will run a demo and send sample reports to attendees via email.

This important webinar + Q&A session will help engineers, disaster management professionals, and other operators better understand the tools that are available to deliver the information they need during an earthquake.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Time: September 30, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Resilient Civil Environments: From Individual Systems to City-Scale Assessments

KMI Information Series Webinar + Q&A!!!

Join us to learn about how expert earthquake engineering services combine with Kinemetrics advanced sensor solutions to deliver resilient civil environments!

In this session, Dr. Asli Kurtulus will present introductory information on the technical extent of earthquake engineering consultancy services that can be delivered to you by world-renown field specialists in partnership with Kinemetrics. In future webinars, we will bring in expert guest speakers who will focus on specific topics, demonstrating how each discipline uniquely impacts the resiliency of systems and cities.

This informative webinar + Q&A will help engineers, designers, project and city managers, and disaster preparedness professionals understand the expertise needed to ensure seismic resiliency of built environment.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Time: August 12, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Application of Seismic Monitoring Systems for Post-Earthquake Building Safety Evaluations

KMI Information Series Webinar + Q&A!!!

Join as guest speaker Erik Bishop from Reid Middleton walks us through real-world events and case studies that describe how combining engineering and technology helps critical facilities achieve safe and effective earthquake response!

Lessons learned from past earthquakes have demonstrated that hospitals and other essential facilities are susceptible to dangerous, costly, and unnecessary evacuations. This is often due to the uncertainty in determining whether or not a structure is safe to occupy or needs to be evacuated immediately following an earthquake.

By combining advanced engineering, instrumentation technology, and disaster management software, Reid Middleton and Kinemetrics have collaborated to develop and deploy innovative post-earthquake response tools that empower on-site facility management personnel to rapidly make informed decisions on the post-earthquake condition of their buildings. This webinar will provide real-world case studies of how these tools can aid in post-earthquake safety assessments for hospitals and other essential facilities.

This informative webinar + Q&A will help engineers, building managers, and disaster preparedness professionals understand how to better protect buildings and people during an earthquake.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Time: July 29, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

OasisPlus for Hospital Emergency Management

KMI Information Series Webinar + Q&A!!!

Join us to learn about how hospitals use the OasisPlus platform to enhance their emergency management during an earthquake.

In this session, Brandon Parrott will demonstrate the unique challenges that hospitals face, and how OasisPlus can help mitigate the impact of earthquakes.

This informative webinar + Q&A will help disaster preparedness professionals, administrators, and engineers understand the simple and effective options that OasisPlus provides.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Time: July 15, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)