Webinar Schedule

Deep Seismic Monitoring in Very Hard Rock Conditions for Swiss NPPs

Featuring Dr. Philippe Renault 

Join us to learn about how seismic monitoring can be utilized in support of nuclear power plants!

In this session, guest speaker Dr. Philippe Renault will discuss the motivation and background for a new seismic network at the Swiss NPP sites, including:

* Selection and criteria for employed equipment.

* Lessons learned from the building and installation process.

* Data collection experience and post-processing for scientific purposes.


Seismic Instrumentation Requirements in Building Codes

Featuring Dr. Derek Skolnik, Kinemetrics, Inc.

Join us to learn about seismic instrumentation and building codes!

In this session, Dr. Derek Skolnik will clarify the many building code instrumentation requirements in California and Pacific Northwest. He will answer questions such as:

Why are there instrumentation requirements in some municipal building codes? Where do they come from? What exactly is required and when is it not? What role do structural design engineers play with respect to specifying seismic instrumentation? What are the various options, vendors, and technologies available? Where does the data go? And finally, who actually benefits from having instrumentation in buildings.

This informative webinar + Q&A will help engineers, and other stakeholders better understand the rules and regulations that form the foundation of earthquake instrumentation and monitoring.


Kinemetrics Seismic Sensors: Operating Range & Applications

Featuring Dr. Lani Oncescu, Kinemetrics, Inc.

Join us for a guided tour through the entire range of Kinemetrics sensors!

Not all seismic sensors are the same, so how do you know which one is best for your application?

In this session, Dr. Lani Oncescu will walk us through how the various kinds of Kinemetrics seismic sensors meet the different needs of different users.

This informative webinar + Q&A will define the landscape of available sensors, and help you understand which kind of sensor is best for which application.