Provide, operate, and maintain a national strong motion network.

Provide, operate, and maintain a national strong motion network.
Kinemetrics instrumentation was used to measure and deliver critical data to monitor vibration in this critical structure.
Kinemetrics instrumentation and processing used to validate the design assumptions and FE model of the Bill Emerson Memorial Bridge in Missouri, USA.
The BP Tangguh LNG Expansion Project includes the construction of two offshore platforms, 13 new production wells, an expanded loading facility, a new LNG jetty, and associated infrastructure. With the addition of the third train, the production capacity of the LNG plant will increase by approximately 50% to 11.4Mtpa.
Venture Global Plaquemines LNG Inc. is developing an LNG export facility in Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana. When fully developed, Plaquemines LNG will have an export capacity of up to 20 MTPA.
Post-earthquake assessment of the GNL Mejillones Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Plant upon the occurrence of an earthquake to ensure safe operations.
To ensure safe operations the design and to determine Operating Basis Earthquake (OBE) limits exceedance to initiate emergency response procedures for a plant’s safe shutdown.
To acquire and analyze small and large earthquakes data from local and regional distances.
Provide TGI a seismic monitoring platform for enabling rapid post-event assessment of the building in support of the emergency response plan to avoid unnecessary evacuations delivering seismic resilience.