About Our client

The Italian Department of Civil Protection (DPC), headquartered in Rome, directs the country’s response to natural disasters and catastrophes. DPC carries out programs to mitigate seismic and volcanic risk and sustain resilient emergency management programs. It gathers data from the (currently) 825-station-strong Italian National Accelerometric Network (RAN).

Project Objective

The RAN’s mission is to provide DPC’s emergency office with real-time earthquake information, including PGA, PGV, PGD, PSAs, Housner and Arias intensity, and response spectra.

Together with its local partner, Geovis, Kinemetrics employs local field crews and data center personnel to operate and maintain our Aspen System, the mission-critical strong-motion monitoring network. The field teams carry out maintenance of existing and installation of new stations. They are also tasked with installing a 10‑station post-earthquake array with real-time communication around the epicenter after every event with magnitude 4 or larger. The IT staff maintains the data center with virtual machines for data acquisition, processing, and dissemination. They provide operational support for the emergency officers by providing custom procedures and dashboards.

Project Achievement

Since October 2012, Kinemetrics has operated and maintained the RAN, providing DPC with data and information to fulfill its mission. Our Aspen System, using BRTT’s Antelope software for data acquisition and processing, has provided an average station availability of over 99%.

In addition, we support DPC’s outreach program by installing temporary stations at schools.

Project Insights

Seismic Data Availability

Since outsourcing the operation and maintenance of the national strong-motion network (RAN) to Kinemetrics, the overall station availability has improved to over 99%, up from ~50%. All data are shared in real-time with the National Institute of Geophysics and Vulcanology (INGV).

Seismic Data Reliability

DPC’s confidence in the Aspen System and increased seismic activity with several strong earthquakes in August 2016 led to the permanent display of the RAN dashboard in the command center of DPC, making it an integral tool for deploying its resources after an earthquake.

Strong-Motion Network

The RAN real-time information is given ever more importance, reflected by constantly adding stations and completely substituting legacy recorders with real-time streaming dataloggers.

Seismic Network Scalability

Kinemetrics’ Aspen System acquires and processes data from over 800 stations in a virtualized environment on several enterprise-class servers with shared storage.


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