Key Advantages

  • For Governmental Authorities

    Prepare and plan for earthquake disaster response, management, and mitigation actions.

  • For Municipalities

    Develop urban planning and land use management to improve seismic resiliency.

  • For Insurance and Real-Estate Industries

    Realistically quantify earthquake-related risk, make reliable estimations of potential economic losses, market products, and services accordingly.

  • For Structural Designers and Builders

    Anticipate earthquake-related problems and develop the appropriate design, retrofit, and repair approaches.


Seismic Hazard

We perform probabilistic and deterministic seismic hazard analyses to provide an estimation of earthquake-induced ground motions and ground motion parameters for different performance levels.


We conduct site-specific response analysis for modeling the effects of local soil conditions on ground response and perform state-of-the-art susceptibility analyses to evaluate earthquake-induced landslide and liquefaction hazard to provide microzonation maps showing the spatial distribution of site amplification, liquefaction and landslide potentials in a given area for different performance levels.


We identify inventory (buildings, lifelines, facilities, etc.) using high-end technology and state-of-the-art methods, and we develop seismic fragility models to asses vulnerability of the built environment to the quantified exposure.

Loss Estimation

We provide realistic loss estimation models to provide potential damage distribution and cost analysis for repair, retrofit, and downtime before and after an earthquake.


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